Article Recommendations

Since I am finally up to date with my week in review posts, I would like to share a few article recommendations with you. If you are reading my blog, chances are I don’t have to convince you that going vegan is a good idea, but it is always nice to read inspiring or reassuring articles.

Vegan Activist Genesis (8)

This article  popped up in my Facebook feed last week, and it really touched my heart. I think Genesis is a truly extraordinary girl because, seriously, who has the guts to be an activist and fight for what you believe in at such a young age? I first started questioning where meat came from when I was in primary school and tried to be a vegetarian for a while, but went back to being an omnivore because I wasn’t able to stand up to society, and, more specifically, people around me. I wish I had been as strong and self-confident as Genesis! 

This is my favorite part of the article: 

“Are people surprised that you’re such an athletic vegan?

Yes, because they thought I wouldn’t be strong or get enough protein. I play soccer, basketball, and football, and people were surprised to see that I was a really good athlete withe more energy than the other kids. I even got Most Valuable Player for my football team, and I wore my Vegan Power shirt to get my award. I became a lot stronger when I went vegan. All athletes should be vegan because it doesn’t only make them stronger physically but also mentally, and it makes your heart stronger and that’s what matters most.”

I still meet a lot of people who are really surprised that a vegan athlete like me can be successful or that anyone can survive without eating meat for that matter. Since my stomach doesn’t have to waste valuable energy digesting animal protein for hours and hours, I can recover faster and am able to train longer and more intensely. I eat a more varied and well-balanced diet, and consume more vitamins and nutrients than I did when I was still an omnivore and later a vegetarian. It is incredible how rarely I have any issues with my digestion and how energized I feel after eating a meal. If that is not persuasive enough: I gained at least 5kg of muscles in the winter months (and it wasn’t like I didn’t have any before) and I am now able to pull 30 watts more than just a few months ago. 

A vegetarian world would be healthier, cooler and richer

Isn’t it inspiring to know that vegans can really make a difference in the world by just not eating any animal products? My main reason for being vegan is that I can’t justify eating other living beings, who deserve a life without suffering and misery. However, saving our planet is certainly a nice side-effect. University of Oxford researchers have recently published a study that if everyone went vegan, 8.1 million deaths per year could be avoided, food-related CO2 emissions would be cut by 70%, and health care savings (including lost working days) could be up to $1,000 billion per year. I think the statistics speak for themselves. 

Easter Positing by the Vegan Society Switzerland 

breaking News: der Rat der Hasen hat heute beschlossen, keine Eier von Hühnern mehr auszuliefern. Ihr Sprecher (Bild)…

Posted by Vegane Gesellschaft Schweiz on Saturday, March 26, 2016

My translation: 

Breaking News: The council of rabbits has decided not to deliver hen’s eggs any more. Their spokesperson justified their decision as follows: “Surveys with our employees have shown that regular visits to egg-production-instititions lead to severe impairment of their well-being.” The chicken’s union welcomes this decision. For many years, hens have been suffering from having to lay so many eggs. The conditions are unacceptable. There is talk of the entire workforce being replaced regularly, and the current one being eliminated. Both fractions involved in the Easter celebrations ask the customers to buy plant-based instead of animal-based Easter goodies, and feed Google words like “vegan,” “Easter” and “Recipe.” 

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