Vegan in Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius is surprisingly vegan-friendly. Before booking our trip a few weeks ago, I did some research online on whether there were any vegan or vegan-friendly restaurants, and was really happy to find ...

Vegan On A Budget

Let’s be honest, eating vegan can be quite expensive, especially if you consume a lot of replacement products, like faux cheese, faux meat and the like. Until recently, vegan-certified prod...

Article Recommendations

Since I am finally up to date with my week in review posts, I would like to share a few article recommendations with you. If you are reading my blog, chances are I don’t have to convince you tha...

Training Week 1 in Review

Monday was the official start of our structured training with a professional workout plan written by our strength coach Max. Not being used to doing intervals and strength exercises regularly, as well...