Week 14/2016 in Review

Training  After enjoying a rest day on Monday, I was happy to be back in the double on Tuesday. Tina and I decided that it was best to not start with high-intensity intervals right away, but get ...

Article Recommendations

Since I am finally up to date with my week in review posts, I would like to share a few article recommendations with you. If you are reading my blog, chances are I don’t have to convince you tha...

My Favorite Smoothie-Making Resources

Almost two years ago, I took a class on green smoothie-making, and was hooked immediately because all the samples tasted so good. On my way home, I thought about replacing my old blender that I’...

Week 1/2016 In Review

This week was extremely exhausting and challenging. In fact, I am so tired I can barely motivate myself to write this post right now, but I am determined to start posting regularly again, so here we g...